Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry Christmas && Happy New Year =]]

so bekah has explaining to do.
i was a roll with writing tons.
and then it all stopped.
well hello people.
bekah was busy celebrating CHRISTMAS with the fam.
and now New Year's Eve is tomorrow.
so yeah.

one of my new year resolution is to do a chapter a week.
i know i started out saying a chapter a day.
the juices aren't always flowing people.
so can we all live with once a week?
i'll still be posting random stuff about myself and making excuses for my lack of blogging.
i told the following [charli&&ivy]
that i would be posting a new chapter.
i ended up being on the phone with charli till like 11ish?
and then shopped for books for the rest of the night.
and didn't get around to finishing the chapter.
so chapter tomorrow.
good with you?
well. its bed time. night people.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nine. [preview]

I was stupid. No more than stupid. I was begging for danger to come crashing through the door and kill the thing I love most dear.
Yup. That is it. But I was still packing clothes to go over to Kate's house to stay with her for the next week. I mean, I can't completely blame myself. Well, I can, and I am. But you should have seen the way she looked at me. As if I was superman or something that would chase the boogy man away from under her bed. Not that I'm saying I wouldn't, but, you know what I mean.
I packed for two weeks, just in case, and then headed over to her house. Maria greeted me at the door and took my bag upstairs to the spare room I was going to sleep in. I asked her where Kate was and she said that she was swimming outside.
Great. Just what I need. I'm already in love with her, I don't really wish to see her in well, a bikini. I mean, I may not be from this planet, but I'm still of the male race. And I do like women. But no doubt, I would go out there and see her. She was the reason I was there anyways, to comfort her, and help her feel like she wasn't alone. Probably one of the craziest missions I've been on, but no doubt was going to be the hardest of them all and I wouldn't even have to use my special talents. Rather see if I can go a week without them. Act normal.
Kate was indeed swimming when I found her outside, laps actually, probably how she was so fit. And she wasn't wearing a bikini either. Rather a more modest swim suit that covered her well and didn't try to show off her figure. Looks like I underestamited her.
She was heading back to the shallow end so I stood there and wait for her to come up for air. She eventually did.
"Hi there."
She rubbed the water off her eyes and looked up at me.
"Hey, sorry, I swim alot. 20 more laps and I'll be done. I have to keep in shape for cheerleading."
So, she was a cheerleader? Something new I didn't know.
"That's alright. Mind if I join you? We could race?"
"Um. You wouldn't want to race me."
"Really? Are you sure you just aren't afraid of losing?"
"Of couse not. I just don't want to embarrass you your first night here."
She was also very confident. I added that little fact as well to my growing list of Kathren Lancer.
I gave up on trying to race her and instead just sat by the pool and looked up at the stars. And there it was. My home planet. Not that I had ever been. I was born on the island, but it still was the planet that I would call home. Earth was just a temporary thing, and America was just my escape from my father until I found a way back to my home planet.


Shopping? Really Tristan that is what you decide is your grand plan?
I couldn't believe what I had said out there. Shopping? I hate shopping. I didn't even realize what I was saying until it was too late. I had just met the girl yesterday, and besides, wasn't I trying to stay away from her. I got up from the couch then and started pacing. I really needed to get my head on straight, especially when I was with Kate, I was after all dangerous.
"Did I take too long?"
That soft and lovely voice filled the room and was music to my ears. Of course she hadn't taken too long, I would have waited for her for the rest of my life. Wait. What was I saying? Okay, come on now Tristan, get a grip.
But then I turned and looked at her.
There before me stood a girl who could wear the simplest of all clothes and make them look extravagent. All she was wearing were jeans and an old Ramones t-shirt. Her hair was worn down with the natural wave that seemed to be a part of her look and she wore little to no make-up. Not that she needed any anyways, with those stunning blue eyes, she was pratically a goddess.
Never, and I mean never, had I seen anyone more beautiful then the girl right infront of me, who was still waiting on an answer from me.
"Hmm? Oh no. Sorry if I seemed to put that off. I was just..."
"Thinking about last night?"
Not excatly that. But I wasn't about to tell Kate that.
"Um. Yeah, kinda."
She shook her head and then moved over and hugged me.
Literally, hugging was involved. Her arms were around my neck and mine were around her waiste. Right then is when I realized the truth I had been denying sence I first heard the voice in my head.
Kathren Lancer was indeed the love of my life.
She just didn't know it yet. And probably would never know my true feelings.
"So, should we be off?"
At least I had a good memory.
"Yes. Oh, and by the way Kate, you look stunning."
She blushed and then laughed a little.
"What's so funny?"
"I'm wearing my brother's old shirt and you think I look stunning?"
"Of course. I didn't know you had a brother."
"Yeah. It's a long story. One I don't really like to tell. Sorry."
"It's okay. I don't want to pry anyways."
I opened the car door for her and helped her in. The less information I knew about her, the better. I couldn't get attacted. I was already too deep in. But there wasn't something about the way she mentioned her brother. As if she was protective of him? Nevermind that she didn't want to tell me, I could find out on my own. But. It felt wrong. As if I was betraying Kate's trust. Guess that was one story I would leave alone.
"So, should we just head to the mall?"
"Um. Yeah, sure."
Kate seemed kind of distance now. Probably in deep thought. About Kelly, or her brother. What I'd do to have my mother's abilities right about now. Ugh. Prying. Note to self: try to stop thinking so much about Kathren Lancer.
The car stayed quiet so I turned on the radio. Music filled the empty silence and I turned my thoughts back to the road. I didn't even realize that Kate had gone searching through the radio to find a better station. Apparently she wasn't a fan of the classics. That was fine with me.
We finally reached the mall and I found a parking spot that was close to the front and near three exits just in case. We both got out of the car and I realized she hadn't waited for me to open her door. Well at least that made her some what independent and kept our relationship on a more friendly level. We walked into the mall and I watched as she looked around, probably trying to find someone. That's when the strangest thought came to my mind.
Did Kate have a boyfriend?
I could feel my hands warm up as the jealousy took over my emotions. Calm down, Tristan. Everything is fine. If she has one, then you won't have to worry about her feelings and just have to keep yours in check. Make conversation. Yes, that would calm me down more. Hearing her soft sweet voice.
"Looking for something? Or someone?"
She took in a deep breath and then spoke, "I keep feeling like this is all a horrible dream and that I'm going to wake up and Kelly will...be here, with me," her voice had started to break and I realized tears were forming in her eyes.
"Hey, Kate, don't worry. It's okay. We're going to make it through this. Here, why don't we just go eat somewhere instead of shop."
She nodded and then grabbed my hand. I was holding her hand? Now I really needed to get my emotions in check, or else Kate would find out something was up, or I would end up burning her hand.
"Here, I know a nice chinesse food place in here."
I let her take me to the restaruant she had chosen. We ordered some food and then sat down to eat.

I still couldn't believe any of this was happening. I was out with Jason, eating chinesse food, at the mall, as if it was just another day.
I really needed some sort of recording device to document all this. So far we had just order some food, which he had paid for, and had been sitting there talking. About everything and anything that came to mind. Jason seemed really intelligent and so cute. Wait? What was I saying?
Did I really think that Jason was cute?
Well I had already thought he was cute before, but that was when he was just an innocent by stander, a stranger. Now, it just seemed like I had known him his whole life. He told me that he was adopted by the Carter's, his mother had passed away and his father hadn't been heard from since. The Carter's had been old family friends and took him under their wing after his mother passed. Maybe Jason would know what it was like then, losing a best friend. Twice.
I wanted to talk to him about it but then he looked down at his watch and seemed upset.
"What? Is something wrong?"
"Well," he started to say, "I should probably get you home. And the mall closes in five minutes."
"Wow, yeah, I guess I should probably get home."
I started to move around to get my purse and stand up when Jason stopped me.
"Kate," he reached out and touched my hand that was still on the table, "If you need anything, please, let me know."
I had known the guy for about less than 48 hours and he was offering me anything I needed. Well...
"Um. How long will your parent's be out of town?"
"About a week, maybe more, why?"
"I wouldn't mind having someone else in the house at night. Maria sleeps out in the guest house, and its just so empty in that big house, by myself. We have a spare room you could sleep in."
"You're asking me to stay with you till your parents return?"
"Please? I know we hardly know each other, but, it would help. You don't have to do it. I mean it's probably werid for you."
Who was I kidding? The guy was just having a pity party on me.
I looked down at my hand that was still holding his and back up to his face. He seemed to be calculating or debating with himself. Finally he answered.
"Okay. I'll stay."
"You will? Oh thank you Jason!"
I got up from the table and hugged him. But then I realized something. Jason and I would be living under one roof for about a week? Maybe more? What had gotten into me?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Best thing ever. Waking up at 1 p.m. because its the summer time and having the sun shine into your room with a nice breeze coming through your balcony doors.
Worst thing ever. Realizing your best friend isn't there any more.
I probably could have slept all day from crying all night but I couldn't even begin to dream anymore because each dream ended with Kelly, pale and lifeless, on the floor. I couldn't picture it or even imagine it because it wasn't Kelly. She was such a happy go getting kind of girl that it seemed completely impossible. I even stayed up till 7 that morning, just waiting for her to walk through the door, praying to God that Jason had just thought it was Kelly who had been shot. But in my heart I knew the truth.
I got up from my bed and walked down stairs in search of my mother to comfort me. The kitchen was probably the best place to look, seeing that mom loved to cook. When I reached the kitchen though I was met by Maria, our maid that my parents hired when I was little and just became part of the family that she stayed to work for us.
"Oh, good, Ms. Lancer, you are finally awake. I shall get started on your breakfast right away. Will you be taking it outside?"
"Sure Maria. Where is my mother?"
"Oh, right, I'm suppose to give you this note.

Dad surprised me with a trip to Laguna Beach.
Be back in a week or two.
Listen to Maria, and be good.
I love you, Mom

She wasn't there. Frankly, it didn't surprise me.
But of course I needed her right now, and she wasn't here.
I headed outside by the pool and laid down to enjoy the sunlight. Then my phone went off. Pulling it from my robe pocket I looked down and saw it was Mrs. Nicole. Tears reached my eyes yet again.
"Oh, Kathren, thank goodness you are alright. Darling, I've been so worried. After I heard about Kelly, I-I-I..."
She broke out into tears. No doubt Kelly's mom was taking this hard. Unlike my relationship with my mom, Kelly and her mother were the best of friends. I couldn't even believe that she could call me at a time like this. But both of us had something in common. We had lost a best friend.
I talked to Mrs. Nicole for a few minutes and then Maria brought my food out. Hanging up the phone I started on the egg sandwhich I had been craving.
"Maria, you're just so wonderful. Thank you."
My voice broke a little from crying but it wasn't too bad. At least I thought I hadn't given myself away. Maria knew me better than that though.
"Ms. Lancer, I don't mean to pry, but are you alright?"
Might as well tell her the truth.
"No. But I will be. Soon."
With that, she left me alone.I sat outside for awhile. Thinking. It was probably nearing 4 when Maria came back outside.
"Ms. Laner? You have a visiter. A Mr. Jason Carter."
"Oh? He lives next door. Just send him out here."
Maria turned back around to go fetch him.
"Did you sleep at all?"
I turned my head towards the deep voice and saw Jason standing there, wearing a light blue button down and jeans. His hair was in a neat yet messy look and his green eyes shined so bright. He leaned a little on his left leg and had his hands deep in his pockets as if he was just taking in the sight of me.
That's when I realized what I was wearing.
"You look comfortable."
I felt the heat on my face and knew I was blushing, alot. But I guess I was dressed in an interesting way. I was wearing one of my favorite nightgowns that I had bought with Kelly, which came to about my knee, and had shorts under it. Shorts that I had worn when Kelly and I decided to try out for cheerleading together. Everything I had ever done, was mostly with Kelly.
"I woke up a few hours ago. Haven't changed yet."
I stood up from the chair I had been laying in and approached him.
"That's okay, I'll wait."
"Excuse me?"
"I'm taking you shopping. Isn't that what girls like to do when they are upset. So go on, get ready, I'll wait in the living room for you."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had a date with Jason Carter.
Who I had nearly ran over yesterday, then tripped infront of, got rescued from a party by, and then had the worest information I had ever heard come out of his mouth.
This should make for an interesting day.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Nothing. Not a sound. Not even a movement. For six hours.
Kate had fainted after I told her the news but I caught her of course, and laid her on the couch where she had been for what seemed like years. It was now 4 in the morning but I couldn't leave her side. Something just told me that when she woke up she would be in shock. I had almost given up hope on her at around 1 and called the hospital but then thought better of it. People would start to ask questions and I was suppose to be flying under the radar. You know, with the whole my people going under cover as humans in America to find me. Something my dad had come up with a few years after I left the island.
The island.
How I missed the beauty of it and the feeling of home I hadn't felt since I left. Which I guess is my fault. Then again, it was for my own safety as my father says. It was either leave the island or be killed. I was seven at the time.

"Tristan? Tristan! Where are you?!"
I looked behind me and saw my mother walking towards me. She looked angry about something. What could it possibly be this time?
"Where have you been?"
"Here. I can't be in the village and practice. Might as well practice where no one can see me."
She shook her head.
"You aren't suppose to be practicing."
Why? Because I wasn't of age to even have abilities? Well new slash, I'm not a normal kid. Unlike everyone else in the village who got their "special gifts" when they turned 18, I got mine at 5 years old. I was 7 now, and almost had them mastered, minus the fact I was highly irritated with everyone on this island that my hands constantly felt a burning sensation. I had still come along way from where I had been and had matured faster than everyone. So I think I will call myself a master.
My mother took in a deep breath, the spoke again.
"Well, why don't you show me then?"
I hated that about my mom. She was different as well, like me I guess. Except it was just she was given another power that not one person in our kind had ever been given. Even the exceptional ones. She could read my mind. Ugh.
I glared at her for a moment, then turned from her back to the river I had been practicing with before. Concentrating very hard, I held my hands out over the water and slowly started shifting my hands the way I had been taught to move the water away. The river wasn't too deep so it didn't take long for the waters to part. I then stepped down into the river bank and crossed to the other side. Once reaching the other end I released my concentration and the water went back to where it had been.
I turned to face my mother and hopefully gain her approval. She looked pleased but I knew she wanted more. And that was without reading her mind. So I started to show off a little. Pulling water from the river and freezing it to arrow shaped icicles and flinging them at the nearest tree, all with a few movements of my right hand. Making a pink rose, my mother's favorite flower, grow right next to where she stood. Throwing fire out of my hands towards the bush next to me with my left hand then using my right hand to put out the fire.
I looked back at my mother once again to see a smile on her face.
"Very good, Tristan. You are making some progress. Dinner will be in an hour so you might want to come along with me and get cleaned up. You're father wouldn't want to find out that you have been practicing."
With that said, she was gone. I took a deep breath and then ran back to the house to clean myself up. But when I went down for dinner that night feeling very proud of myself that I had received the approval of my mother, I didn't realize that I would never see her again.

How can Kelly be gone? My Kelly. My best friend.
I had been lying on Jason's couch for awhile and probably was worrying him because I hadn't moved. But I needed to think. It just didn't seem logical to me. The clock tower chimed four times. Four in the morning. I probably should move off of Jason's couch now. I slowly opened my eyes to find Jason asleep on a chair right in front of me. He must have been sitting there for most of the night probably debating on if to take me to the hospital or not. I could almost see him now arguing with himself. The thought made me giggle a little to myself, but I regain my composure quickly because at the sight of Jason's face asleep, I remember his face as he had walked across the lawn six hours ago. I got up from where I was on the couch and quietly made my way to the kitchen to write a short note to him on a sheet of paper I had seen in there.
Hey Jason,
Thanks for taking care of me. Sorry if I kept you up all night. I went back over to my house to get some rest. Sleep well. Thanks again. =]]

And with that written and placed by where he was sitting so he would see it, I left.

Friday, December 5, 2008

hi. its me!

bekah is in a little trouble.
i haven't excatly been doing my school work lately...
and now i'm about a month behind!
in some classes a little more...
so yeah.
you probably won't be getting any chapters from me
until well...
for awhile...
until i get caught up!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

you all can kill.

because i have been horrible.
and have not posted anything for you guys.
i'm really sorry.


you might now want to kill me because guess what.
i have more for everyone!
go ahead and freak out.
there will hopefully be more coming.


not until after sunday.
because tomorrow is thanksgiving.
and then i'm leaving for the beach friday and won't be back till late sunday night.
so yeah.

Even if she didn't hate me forever for all of this, then I would consider my kidnapping her from a party successful. But there was something inside me, telling me she still wasn't safe yet.
Not here. She won't be safe here either. Home. Take her home.
Kate turned away from me once again and stepped out of the car when I grabbed her arm again. This time she spoke up.
"Jason, what are you doing?"
What was I suppose to say? Oh, I don't know. Just basically trying to rul over your life. Yeah. That wasn't going to fly.
"Um. Kate. I don't think you should go home. Go next door. To my house. And then when I bring Kelly back you can go back to your house."
She looked at me as if I was speaking spanish. Which of course I could speak very well but I was clearly speaking english to the girl.
"You want me to go to your house?"
No, I want you to jump off a cliff.
"Yes. My parents are out of town and all my siblings are at friend's house. Here is a key," I dug into my pocket to hand it over to her, "Just go inside. Make yourself at home. And please lock all the doors once you are inside."
Kate looked at me for another few seconds. Finally, it seemed she gave up on trying to figure me out and just did what I said. I watched as she crossed the lawn and made her way to my house. I didn't pull away until I could see that she was safely inside and the door was locked.
Then I took off. Back to the dreadful party. Once I pulled up to the house I began my search for Kelly. I covered all the basic places and couldn't find her anywhere. I then came to the conclusion that Kelly was probably upstairs in one of the bedrooms. Oh why must I do this? Wasn't it bad enough that I was even at a party like this, did I have to barge in on Kelly as well while she was, well, with a guy.
I made my way upstairs and started opening doors to all the bedrooms. Nothing. She apparently had better judgement then I thought. Even though she did leave Kate and that wasn't a smart thing to do.
Oh no. Please, don't tell me that is what I think it was.
Don't you hate it when there is a crowd and you can't get through? I know I do. I finally got close enough to whoever it was that was shot and once I saw the body all the blood drained from my face.
Kelly Nicole.
No. No. NO!
How did this happen?
Kate was going to be the one who got shot, how did it end up being Kelly? No one was suppose to be killed.
"Dude, I can't feel her pulse."
"The paramedics are here. Everyone move!"
Two men in white uniforms made their way to Kelly. The first one started to get a stretcher ready while the other leaned over Kelly to examine her. He tried to feel for her pulse but it was clear on his face that Kelly was gone. Whoever it was that shot her, had very good aim.

Waiting around in a house you don't know, for a person you hardly know, to come back with your best friend, is rather nerve racking.
First, I decided to pace and think. Then I got tired of moving around the floor and was beginning to get dizzy so I sat on the couch to think. Till then my head started hurting from thinking so much, I just layed down and turned on the TV. There was suppose to be a new episode of Just You and Me on tonight, which happened to be my favorite soap.
Half way through the show I finally heard a car pull up in the driveway. I sprang to my feet and straight for the door, stumbling the whole way. Shoving the door out of my way I realized something. Jason didn't have Kelly with him.
Maybe he took her home or she was already heading over to my house. I looked next door to my yard and saw no one making their way to my house. I glanced back at Jason. He looked deeply troubled by something and I didn't know what to say but I had to know where Kelly was. She was my best friend after all.
He looked up at me with one of the saddest looks on his face I had ever seen on anyone's face. Nearly in tears, he came up the steps and put his hands on my shoulders.
"What's wrong? Please, tell me."
He took a deep breath and finally spoke.
"She's gone, Kate. Kelly's gone."
Gone? What did he mean gone?
"Some one shot her. At the party. Straight in the heart."
Right then, everything I ever knew, everything I ever thought, drifted from me. As if I was empty and had no more reason to live. Everything got black and I could feel myself falling to the ground.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


so i've been horrible i know...
and it's excuse time!
thursday night-i had to write an article for my journalism class friday that i had complete forgotten about so i didn't get to write more...
and then last night...
well i got home at like 10 and the juices just weren't flowing...

so i'm having what we call a writer's block.
i'm gonna try my hardest to get more done soon!
probably tomorrow...
or the next day...
or the next...

okay you will have some soon!
i just can't make any promises...
sorry =[[

but i still love you guys to death!
and yall are amazing!
and thank you thank you thank you for reading everything i write!
chow for now!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


is a work in progress.
I wrote it out.
and then realized I didn't like it.
I have to mess with it again.
But I don't really have time to right now.
So I will do that tomorrow!
goodnight guys!

Four. [full]

My biggest pet peeve. Or really the thing that just really makes me mad.
When you go to a party with your best friend, and she ditches you.
Okay, so yes, I already knew that Kelly was prone to do that to me. Alot. But still, it just gets to me. I don't know what it is. Guess growing up and being taught to be polite and sweet really messes with you when people act otherwise. So here is how it all went down.
After I got back from my akward encounter with Jason Carter, the dreamy boy next door, the rest of the afternoon went as planned. We swam, we chilled, we got ready, we left. Notice the 'WE'. But, no at the party is where we were again Kate and Kelly. So I went in search for something to drink while Kelly said she was going to be over by the DJ requesting a song. The drinks don't take long and I'm back in the living room where the furinture was moved away so people could dance, but there is no Kelly in sight. And I haven't seen her since. So much for sticking with each other. Anyways, now I'm stuck by the punch bowl, standing against the wall, as if all this is some stupid highschool dance and I was the loser who showed up without a date. Grand, isn't it?
Realizing how lame I probably looked I decided to mingle. Besides, Kelly wasn't my only friend. I mean, there were all my girls on the cheerleading team and the soccer team. I could catch up with the student council members. Maybe even say hey to a few of my friends from French Club. Leaving the living room I found myself in a quiter room where people were all just talking. No one I knew in there.
I tried the kitchen and dinning room and there was apparently a keg brought in for the party. Great. I was going to have to leave soon if people were going to start drinking. Outside by the pool was my next stop.
There were tons of people at this party. I had never realized it either. Outside there was another dance floor and DJ off in the corner and then just a bunch of random people standing around, hanging out. I spotted Jeff, a guy I had known since 6th grade and was my best friend. Well, guy wise. He was standing off to the side by a fence and looked as if he was thinking about something. As I made my aproach his eyes turned toward me and widen a little. But at this same moment I felt a hand slightly touch my shoulder. The grip became frim as I tired to brush it off. And then I was grabbed. Mom did always say to stay away from shadows. So much for actually using that advice now.
Back to the person who grabbed me.
It was clearly a guy, even though I wasn't completely sure of it. I was about 99.9% sure at the time. The person wasn't that big, but bigger than me. His grib on my was firm and getting a little too warm for comfort. Feeling a little scared now I gathered some air in my lungs to scream for help but my kidnapper must of noticed because a hand flew over my mouth.
Now, mind you this really was only a second long. Maybe two. So I wasn't letting myself be dragged off then thought I should scream. Just so you guys know. I'm not completely retarded.
Then a voice I recongized barely spoke in my ear.
"Kate, we need to get you out of here now."
The voice was gentle and very beautiful. Could it be? How would he know? There was no way on this green earth it would be Jason Carter whispering in my ear.
Panic flew through me. Was this guy stocking me now or something? How? Why? All these questions started forming in my head and would be unleashed the moment he removed his hand. Speaking of his hands, that were at the moment covering my mouth while the other had my held around the waist, while he moved around the back wall of the outside towards a gate, his hands were still warm. And getting warmer by the minute.
Once we finally reached the gate, he kicked the door opened and kept pulling me along with him towards a cheery red 300Z waiting for us on the sidewalk. What about my car? And Kelly? Reaching the car he finally let me go. Now was my time to speak.
"What on-"
"Please, Kate, if you are smart, then you will just get in the car now and let me take you home. I'll get your car back to you once you are safe and see what I can do about Kelly."
With that said, I had no choice. I could be rude and say no, but since I wasn't really like that, I just gave up and got in the car. He drove me home in silence and I let myself out of the car once he was infront of my house. As I was pushing open the door a hand touched mine. Even though I knew who it was, it still shocked me. I turned and looked back at Jason's face. He seemed concerned, and there was something else I saw on his face.
Jason Carter would return my friend safe and sound to me.
I just knew it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Four. [preview]

here's a little bit of chapter four.
so you guys can all bite my head off later.
I got distracted by something on my computer and then realized I still had a chapter to write.
I wasn't going to leave you guys with NOTHING!
so here is a short preview.
the rest of chapter four and five will be online TOMORROW!
well. okay. nvm. I'll try.
that's better.

so yeah. ENJOY!

My biggest pet peeve. Or really the thing that just really makes me mad.
When you go to a party with your best friend, and she ditches you.
Okay, so yes, I already knew that Kelly was prone to do that to me. Alot. But still, it just gets to me. I don't know what it is. Guess growing up and being taught to be polite and sweet really messes with you when people act otherwise. So here is how it all went down.
After I got back from my akward encounter with Jason Carter, the dreamy boy next door, the rest of the afternoon went as planned. We swam, we chilled, we got ready, we left. Notice the 'WE'. But, no at the party is where we were again Kate and Kelly. So I went in search for something to drink while Kelly said she was going to be over by the DJ requesting a song. The drinks don't take long and I'm back in the living room where the furinture was moved away so people could dance, but there is no Kelly in sight. And I haven't seen her since. So much for sticking with each other. Anyways, now I'm stuck by the punch bowl, standing against the wall, as if all this is some stupid highschool dance and I was the loser who showed up without a date. Grand, isn't it?
Realizing how lame I probably looked I decided to mingle. Besides, Kelly wasn't my only friend. I mean, there were all my girls on the cheerleading team and the soccer team. I could catch up with the student council members. Maybe even say hey to a few of my friends from French Club. Leaving the living room I found myself in a quiter room where people were all just talking. No one I knew in there.
I tried the kitchen and dinning room and there was apparently a keg brought in for the party. Great. I was going to have to leave soon if people were going to start drinking. Outside by the pool was my next stop.
There were tons of people at this party. I had never realized it either. Outside there was another dance floor and DJ off in the corner and then just a bunch of random people standing around, hanging out. I spotted Jeff, a guy I had known since 6th grade and was my best friend. Well, guy wise. He was standing off to the side by a fence and looked as if he was thinking about something. As I made my aproach his eyes turned toward me and widen a little. But at this same moment I felt a hand slightly touch my shoulder. The grip became frim as I tired to brush it off. And then I was grabbed. Mom did always say to stay away from shadows. So much for actually using that advice now.

Monday, November 10, 2008

[side note to chapter three]

there is a character change in the middle.
you will notice by the big space in the middle of the chapter.
yes that indicates that there is a new person speaking.
just so every one is clear.
i know i probably said something like this is all going to be from Kate's point of view.
well i wanted to mix it up a little.
add some spice.
and everything nice!

gotta love those powerpuff girls!
i'm off to bed before i die.
or bring up anything else that is embarrassing.

goodnight everyone!


Well, I officially have proof that no one in my family tells me what's going on any more. Yeah, the guy that I nearly hit was my new neighbor. Great way to say welcome, eh? Luckly he wasn't too upset about it though.
Anyways. His name is Jason Carter. Kelly, of course, freaked out because the guy is way cute. I mean, he was cute, but nothing to grand. So, his family apparently just moved here to Califorina and he'll be going to my school next year. And of course, my mother wanted me to rush over to his house, after I got home, to apoligize and invite him to the party tonight.
Can you say embarrassing?
So, there I was, after I got Kelly her strawberry-kiwi sweet tea and left her outside to tan, I was standing outside Jason's house, on his front porch, knocking on his door. Jason didn't come to the door though, his mom did. Perfect. The following conversation went like this.
"Um. Hi, Mrs. Carter. Is Jason in?"
"Hello. He is. May I ask who is calling for him?"
"Um. Well. He doesn't actually know my name. But can you just tell him the girl who almost hit him would like to talk to him?"
Then she looked at me as if I was crazy. Which I was beginning to think I was.
"Sure. One moment."
She closed the door slightly and there was some noise from inside the house. Then the door opened again except it was Jason standing there. I had never noticed, well in our short encounter, that he had the most beautiful blue eyes on earth. They complemented his dark brown hair and light tan very nicely, which was another thing I noticed. He looked at me for a moment as well, probably trying to figure out what I was doing there, on his front porch, and then I realized he was waiting for me to speak.
"Oh. Hi. Sorry. Um. Well, my name is Kathren Lancer, I'm your next door neighbor."
"Hi Kathren. Well. I'm Jason, but you already seem to know that."
His voice was like an angel. So beautiful.
"Yeah. My mom told me. Look, I'm really really sorry about nearly running you over earlier. I wasn't paying attention, which is a really bad thing to do when you're driving, but my friend had gotten me so like in-tuned with the conversation, you know? Anyways, yeah, so I'm really sorry."
He laughed a little. Probably because I was making a complete fool of myself by talking to much. Its what happens when I'm nervous.
"No problem, Kathren."
"Kate. I liked to be called Kate."
"Kate then. Well I have alot of unpacking to do. And really, it's no problem. I too should have been looking where I was going instead of having my head up in the clouds."
"Right then. Well I guess I'll see you around."
I started to turn but then I remembered the party. So I turned back around nearly running into him. Apparently he was headed outside as well. I started to fall back from running into him when he grabbed my waist and pulled me close so I wouldn't fall. For a moment we just stood there, so close to one another, and both in shock by the situation. Jason was the first to speak.
"Sorry," he quickly let go of me and took a step back, "Did you want to say something else."
"What?" I had completely lost my train of thought. He had been so close. I now knew what Kelly had meant about him being so cute. But he was beyond cute.
"You had turned back around, hence our collision."
"Right," the party came back to my mind, "Well, it's just that, okay my mom said you were going to be a senior in highschool next year, is that right?"
"That is correct." He had a small smile on his face.
"Well, there is a party tonight. For all the people who will be seniors next year. And me and my friend Kelly were going to go. So I was going to ask if you would like to come with us, to meet people, you know?"
He stood there and thought about it for a minute.
"I'll have to pass, Kate. I have alot of unpacking to do. Maybe another time."
And with that said I took my leave.
"Well, okay, see ya."
"Yeah, see ya around."
That went completely and utterly horrible. I walked down his steps and headed back over to my house. Once I reached the backyard of my own house, after getting myself a drink and changed my clothes, Kelly wanted to know all about what happened. So I told her. Well not everything, I left out my clumsiness of running into for the second time that day. That moment just seemed private to me. Something I wanted to keep for myself.

Kathren Lancer.
My new next door neighbor. Kind of cute, I guess. But I can't think of her that way. She is after all, just another girl. Besides I came here not to find a lover, but to free myself from the bonds of my father, controlled by the second-in-command officer, Linus Phillip, but that is another story for another day. No I am here to be free, and must put this girl out of my mind.
But oh the feeling of touching her. I could still feel her warm skin upon my hands. Almost like it feels after fire comes from my hands. That warm and comfortable feeling. I mean, the burning you feel while the fire is being released is horrible, luckly we heal quickly, but that warm sensation that comes off your hands after the burning has passed. It almost made me wonder if I had burned her or she me with the way my hands felt. Whatever it was, it was amazing.
I shouldn't think of it again. Besides, the danger I would put the girl in from liking her, well it would be far worse then the danger she almost put me in today. So, that settles it, I must not think of her as anything more than a friend. Probably nothing more than a friend either. An acquaintance would work. Maybe not. Oh the danger I could put that poor girl in. But I can't just ignore her. It would be rude, and so unlike my people. If only I hadn't felt her in my arms then maybe this would be easier to decide.
I walked back into the house with yet another box of books. I swear this family reads as if there is no tomorrow.
The name flew by my ear before I realized I was being spoken to. I was going to have to get use to being called Jason now seeing that my true name would not be used. I finally turned after setting the box of books down to see my new mother for the time being.
"Yes Shannon? Is everything alright?"
Shannon, or Mrs. Carter, use to be one of my people, just like her husband, but when they both left the island after being banned, their powers left them, and they were just like humans. That was something I had wished to happen to me when I left, but of course another wonder to my birth, I couldn't loose my powers. Would the nightmare never end?
"Everything is fine, Jason. I mean, Tristan. I guess we can call you Tristan in the house."
"I'd rather you not. My people have very good ears. Besides, I need to get use to being called Jason. Might as well practice this summer."
"Well, if that is what you would like. Are all the boxes brought in yet?"
As fast as I could, I ran to the moving truck and grabbed all the boxes I could, brought them in the house and returned for more. Of course I did this rather fast that not even a full second past once all the boxes were in.
"They are now."
"Tri-Jason! I wish you wouldn't do that. What if someone saw you?"
Shannon seemed upset. But then she just shook her head and walked out of the room with a smile. Silly Shannon. No one would be able to see that. It was as if I had stopped time all together to the humans. I looked back around me to all the boxes I had brought in and found the small pile of the ones that said 'Jason' on them in the corner. At human pace, I took the boxes upstairs to what would be my new domain and began to unpack all the clothes, music, and even my own collection of books.
While I was listening to one of my favorite CD's, the girl's, Kate, face came back to my mind. She was so beautiful. And for some reason, was still on my mind. And that is when it happened. The strangest thing ever. A voice came in my head.
She needs you. She needs help. She's in trouble.
Apparently that party was getting wilder by the minute.

[okay guys. its late. and i'm still sick! so chapter four is going to have to wait for tomorrow. I'M SORRY! hey, maybe if you guys are luckly you might get a snip of chapter five as well....wouldn't that be awesome? of course it would! ANYWHO! i must sleep now! goodnight one and all!]

Sunday, November 9, 2008

hehe =]] sorry... Three.&.Four

okay so...yesterday...
i seriously felt AWFUL!
like OMG! i was so sick it was horrible!
and i'm still sick.
so yeah. that is my excuse for no post yesterday.

because i was a horrible person to you guys.
i will be posting THREE && FOUR!
yeah double the pleasure right?
hehe =]]

i would be posting those chapters like today BUT.
my brother got here today.
so i was sort of busy.
and didn't get finished writing them.
big day!

Friday, November 7, 2008


Kelly was of course easy to find. Standing next to her ex-boyfriend, as of 4th period, probably giving him a piece of her mind.
"And don't you think about even trying to beg, Brian. I know what you'll do, you do it every time we break up. Try to do something sweet and thoughtful so I'll just fall into your arms like jello. Well not this time buddy. You can just forget about me and go find yourself a new girlfriend."
That's my Kelly. Always telling the guys off. She did though set herself a new record this year. She is currently standing at six different boyfriends and thirteen break ups, eight of those strickly only dealing with Brian Banks, the guy she has been on the rocks with for about five months and apparently is no longer going to ever speak with him again. And of course, Brian is crushed, just like he was the last eight break up they went through. Oh yes, Kelly was always the one doing the break ups; but, she is always the one who says yes and gets back together with him. Basically what I like to say in the Kelly and Brian relationship is, we took the two most dramatic and crazy people in the whole highschool, and watched as they tried to make a relationship out of it. And of course, it failed.
"Kate! Finally, I found you."
Kelly was walking away from a very sad Brian Banks and was headed my way. We had spent the whole week before this planning out out first day of summer. First we were going to head to my house to take a dip in the pool and just relax. Then at about 4:00 we would head inside and get ready for Jennifer Meyer's Senior Party. Tradition at my school is simple. The last day of your junior year, which so happens is today, the richest kid, being Jennifer Meyer, would throw a huge party for the entire new senior class. It was of course a must go to. And finally our year had come that Kelly and I would finally be able to experience the amazing power of being SENIORS!
"Okay Kate, I need a strawberry-kiwi sweet tea once we get to your hourse. I can already feel the headache from this last break-up with Brian. And I swear, if he calls me or tries to get back together with me, I'll scream. I will. I promise. You don't believe. Well you should."
"Don't worry, Kell, I believe you. Come on," I grabbed her arm and headed for the front doors so we could leave, "Don't worry, I'll drive too. Not like I wouldn't drive anyways, seeing that you did come with me to school this morning, again."
"Oh the beauty of living next door to each other. Can you believe it, that we are finally SENIORS!"
"No, but I'm sure I'm about to hear a speech about how you feel on being a senior."
"Oh Kate, don't even get me started..."
And she was off. On another one of her rampages, which she conducted often. Even had her own blog online strickly for all her rampages. I will admit though, some are pretty funny. While some are reaching the over dramatic phase. But of course, Kelly will always be my best friend. We've come and gone way to far to just stop now.
While Kelly was going off on one of her many top ten list about being a senior, I was pulling her around the school towards the parking lot. Once we finally reached my car, she was off on a list of reasons why she will never date Brian Banks ever again. Thankfully, our school, Johnson Allen Prep Acadmey, wasn't very far from my house, so this list wasn't going to be too long. I was turning onto my street when Kelly finally started bursting into tears.
"Kate, it's just, we have been through so much. But I can't take it anymore," she sniffed, "And he'll probably be at the party tonight with a new girlfriend. What am I going to do?"
I turned my head to look at her and realized that it wasn't just tears coming out of her eyes. Kelly was in full on bawling mood.
"Kell, oh come on honey, don't start with the tears. You know I can't handle that. Besides, Brian Banks is a loser. You are way too good for him..."
(What happened next shouldn't be held against me or my driving and please don't scream when you find out that I, well, nearly hit someone. A guy actually.)

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Don't you hate it when the teacher stands in front of the class and talks about things that don't even relate to the class? Well that pretty much sums up my teacher.
Mr. James W. Caldwell.
He is suppose to be our biology teacher but he tends to stray away from that topic. He's been doing this all year. Preferring to talk about money and the stocks instead of bugs and plants. It's whatever to me though. As long as he doesn't test us on any of it. But good ole Mr. Caldwell is also one of those teachers who likes to teach until the bell actually rings, freaking everyone out, and making Billy Harris scream every day, seven times a day. You would think that after three years the guy would be use to it by now. But now I'm sure that when the bell rings in five minutes indicating that school is officially out for the summer, he will scream. Whether in excitement or just because its normal, who knows?
That's right, summer is beginning in about four minutes now. I can not wait. See my best friend, Kelly, and I have the whole summer planned. Movie trips, mall time, tanning, swimming in my pool, and of course Kelly is looking for some summer love. When and if she finds it, I'll let you know.
Kelly has been my best friend for years now. We met back in 2nd grade, Mrs. Heltonson's class. Kelly told me that my name was too long and she would have to just call me Kate for the rest of my life. I was down with that. And since then we had always been best friends. Helping each other when our time came. Being there for each other through the heart breaks and make up. And just being there, so you know you always have someone to trust.
Well the bell is now suppose to ring in about thirty seconds so I better cover my ears before the screaming begins.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
"Thank you, Mr. Harris. Alright class, you may leave now, and enjoy your summer vacation."
Mr. Caldwell has a way of always being very formal about everything. Oh well. I'm free. Finally free. And this summer is going to be the best summer yet.

[so. first chapter. is was also kind of like a prequel to the book. kind of like an opener i guess. anyways. enjoy && i'll see you tomorrow for chapter two!]

wow! yet another NEW STORY!

okay guys!

I'm writing another story...
so you'll find that these chapters are ALOT shorter...
but that means i'll be able to post a chapter a day...
so everyone is happy right?

so also...
this story may seem out there...
cause its a tad on the fanasty side...
but trust me...
you will love it!
well okay i hope you do!

anyways! hope you like it!
and i promise promise promise to keep up with this thing!
if i don't post a chapter
i'll leave an update or something so you guys have something to read each day!

so is everyone happy now?
well this is bekah.
peace out.