Monday, November 10, 2008


Well, I officially have proof that no one in my family tells me what's going on any more. Yeah, the guy that I nearly hit was my new neighbor. Great way to say welcome, eh? Luckly he wasn't too upset about it though.
Anyways. His name is Jason Carter. Kelly, of course, freaked out because the guy is way cute. I mean, he was cute, but nothing to grand. So, his family apparently just moved here to Califorina and he'll be going to my school next year. And of course, my mother wanted me to rush over to his house, after I got home, to apoligize and invite him to the party tonight.
Can you say embarrassing?
So, there I was, after I got Kelly her strawberry-kiwi sweet tea and left her outside to tan, I was standing outside Jason's house, on his front porch, knocking on his door. Jason didn't come to the door though, his mom did. Perfect. The following conversation went like this.
"Um. Hi, Mrs. Carter. Is Jason in?"
"Hello. He is. May I ask who is calling for him?"
"Um. Well. He doesn't actually know my name. But can you just tell him the girl who almost hit him would like to talk to him?"
Then she looked at me as if I was crazy. Which I was beginning to think I was.
"Sure. One moment."
She closed the door slightly and there was some noise from inside the house. Then the door opened again except it was Jason standing there. I had never noticed, well in our short encounter, that he had the most beautiful blue eyes on earth. They complemented his dark brown hair and light tan very nicely, which was another thing I noticed. He looked at me for a moment as well, probably trying to figure out what I was doing there, on his front porch, and then I realized he was waiting for me to speak.
"Oh. Hi. Sorry. Um. Well, my name is Kathren Lancer, I'm your next door neighbor."
"Hi Kathren. Well. I'm Jason, but you already seem to know that."
His voice was like an angel. So beautiful.
"Yeah. My mom told me. Look, I'm really really sorry about nearly running you over earlier. I wasn't paying attention, which is a really bad thing to do when you're driving, but my friend had gotten me so like in-tuned with the conversation, you know? Anyways, yeah, so I'm really sorry."
He laughed a little. Probably because I was making a complete fool of myself by talking to much. Its what happens when I'm nervous.
"No problem, Kathren."
"Kate. I liked to be called Kate."
"Kate then. Well I have alot of unpacking to do. And really, it's no problem. I too should have been looking where I was going instead of having my head up in the clouds."
"Right then. Well I guess I'll see you around."
I started to turn but then I remembered the party. So I turned back around nearly running into him. Apparently he was headed outside as well. I started to fall back from running into him when he grabbed my waist and pulled me close so I wouldn't fall. For a moment we just stood there, so close to one another, and both in shock by the situation. Jason was the first to speak.
"Sorry," he quickly let go of me and took a step back, "Did you want to say something else."
"What?" I had completely lost my train of thought. He had been so close. I now knew what Kelly had meant about him being so cute. But he was beyond cute.
"You had turned back around, hence our collision."
"Right," the party came back to my mind, "Well, it's just that, okay my mom said you were going to be a senior in highschool next year, is that right?"
"That is correct." He had a small smile on his face.
"Well, there is a party tonight. For all the people who will be seniors next year. And me and my friend Kelly were going to go. So I was going to ask if you would like to come with us, to meet people, you know?"
He stood there and thought about it for a minute.
"I'll have to pass, Kate. I have alot of unpacking to do. Maybe another time."
And with that said I took my leave.
"Well, okay, see ya."
"Yeah, see ya around."
That went completely and utterly horrible. I walked down his steps and headed back over to my house. Once I reached the backyard of my own house, after getting myself a drink and changed my clothes, Kelly wanted to know all about what happened. So I told her. Well not everything, I left out my clumsiness of running into for the second time that day. That moment just seemed private to me. Something I wanted to keep for myself.

Kathren Lancer.
My new next door neighbor. Kind of cute, I guess. But I can't think of her that way. She is after all, just another girl. Besides I came here not to find a lover, but to free myself from the bonds of my father, controlled by the second-in-command officer, Linus Phillip, but that is another story for another day. No I am here to be free, and must put this girl out of my mind.
But oh the feeling of touching her. I could still feel her warm skin upon my hands. Almost like it feels after fire comes from my hands. That warm and comfortable feeling. I mean, the burning you feel while the fire is being released is horrible, luckly we heal quickly, but that warm sensation that comes off your hands after the burning has passed. It almost made me wonder if I had burned her or she me with the way my hands felt. Whatever it was, it was amazing.
I shouldn't think of it again. Besides, the danger I would put the girl in from liking her, well it would be far worse then the danger she almost put me in today. So, that settles it, I must not think of her as anything more than a friend. Probably nothing more than a friend either. An acquaintance would work. Maybe not. Oh the danger I could put that poor girl in. But I can't just ignore her. It would be rude, and so unlike my people. If only I hadn't felt her in my arms then maybe this would be easier to decide.
I walked back into the house with yet another box of books. I swear this family reads as if there is no tomorrow.
The name flew by my ear before I realized I was being spoken to. I was going to have to get use to being called Jason now seeing that my true name would not be used. I finally turned after setting the box of books down to see my new mother for the time being.
"Yes Shannon? Is everything alright?"
Shannon, or Mrs. Carter, use to be one of my people, just like her husband, but when they both left the island after being banned, their powers left them, and they were just like humans. That was something I had wished to happen to me when I left, but of course another wonder to my birth, I couldn't loose my powers. Would the nightmare never end?
"Everything is fine, Jason. I mean, Tristan. I guess we can call you Tristan in the house."
"I'd rather you not. My people have very good ears. Besides, I need to get use to being called Jason. Might as well practice this summer."
"Well, if that is what you would like. Are all the boxes brought in yet?"
As fast as I could, I ran to the moving truck and grabbed all the boxes I could, brought them in the house and returned for more. Of course I did this rather fast that not even a full second past once all the boxes were in.
"They are now."
"Tri-Jason! I wish you wouldn't do that. What if someone saw you?"
Shannon seemed upset. But then she just shook her head and walked out of the room with a smile. Silly Shannon. No one would be able to see that. It was as if I had stopped time all together to the humans. I looked back around me to all the boxes I had brought in and found the small pile of the ones that said 'Jason' on them in the corner. At human pace, I took the boxes upstairs to what would be my new domain and began to unpack all the clothes, music, and even my own collection of books.
While I was listening to one of my favorite CD's, the girl's, Kate, face came back to my mind. She was so beautiful. And for some reason, was still on my mind. And that is when it happened. The strangest thing ever. A voice came in my head.
She needs you. She needs help. She's in trouble.
Apparently that party was getting wilder by the minute.

[okay guys. its late. and i'm still sick! so chapter four is going to have to wait for tomorrow. I'M SORRY! hey, maybe if you guys are luckly you might get a snip of chapter five as well....wouldn't that be awesome? of course it would! ANYWHO! i must sleep now! goodnight one and all!]

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