Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Best thing ever. Waking up at 1 p.m. because its the summer time and having the sun shine into your room with a nice breeze coming through your balcony doors.
Worst thing ever. Realizing your best friend isn't there any more.
I probably could have slept all day from crying all night but I couldn't even begin to dream anymore because each dream ended with Kelly, pale and lifeless, on the floor. I couldn't picture it or even imagine it because it wasn't Kelly. She was such a happy go getting kind of girl that it seemed completely impossible. I even stayed up till 7 that morning, just waiting for her to walk through the door, praying to God that Jason had just thought it was Kelly who had been shot. But in my heart I knew the truth.
I got up from my bed and walked down stairs in search of my mother to comfort me. The kitchen was probably the best place to look, seeing that mom loved to cook. When I reached the kitchen though I was met by Maria, our maid that my parents hired when I was little and just became part of the family that she stayed to work for us.
"Oh, good, Ms. Lancer, you are finally awake. I shall get started on your breakfast right away. Will you be taking it outside?"
"Sure Maria. Where is my mother?"
"Oh, right, I'm suppose to give you this note.

Dad surprised me with a trip to Laguna Beach.
Be back in a week or two.
Listen to Maria, and be good.
I love you, Mom

She wasn't there. Frankly, it didn't surprise me.
But of course I needed her right now, and she wasn't here.
I headed outside by the pool and laid down to enjoy the sunlight. Then my phone went off. Pulling it from my robe pocket I looked down and saw it was Mrs. Nicole. Tears reached my eyes yet again.
"Oh, Kathren, thank goodness you are alright. Darling, I've been so worried. After I heard about Kelly, I-I-I..."
She broke out into tears. No doubt Kelly's mom was taking this hard. Unlike my relationship with my mom, Kelly and her mother were the best of friends. I couldn't even believe that she could call me at a time like this. But both of us had something in common. We had lost a best friend.
I talked to Mrs. Nicole for a few minutes and then Maria brought my food out. Hanging up the phone I started on the egg sandwhich I had been craving.
"Maria, you're just so wonderful. Thank you."
My voice broke a little from crying but it wasn't too bad. At least I thought I hadn't given myself away. Maria knew me better than that though.
"Ms. Lancer, I don't mean to pry, but are you alright?"
Might as well tell her the truth.
"No. But I will be. Soon."
With that, she left me alone.I sat outside for awhile. Thinking. It was probably nearing 4 when Maria came back outside.
"Ms. Laner? You have a visiter. A Mr. Jason Carter."
"Oh? He lives next door. Just send him out here."
Maria turned back around to go fetch him.
"Did you sleep at all?"
I turned my head towards the deep voice and saw Jason standing there, wearing a light blue button down and jeans. His hair was in a neat yet messy look and his green eyes shined so bright. He leaned a little on his left leg and had his hands deep in his pockets as if he was just taking in the sight of me.
That's when I realized what I was wearing.
"You look comfortable."
I felt the heat on my face and knew I was blushing, alot. But I guess I was dressed in an interesting way. I was wearing one of my favorite nightgowns that I had bought with Kelly, which came to about my knee, and had shorts under it. Shorts that I had worn when Kelly and I decided to try out for cheerleading together. Everything I had ever done, was mostly with Kelly.
"I woke up a few hours ago. Haven't changed yet."
I stood up from the chair I had been laying in and approached him.
"That's okay, I'll wait."
"Excuse me?"
"I'm taking you shopping. Isn't that what girls like to do when they are upset. So go on, get ready, I'll wait in the living room for you."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had a date with Jason Carter.
Who I had nearly ran over yesterday, then tripped infront of, got rescued from a party by, and then had the worest information I had ever heard come out of his mouth.
This should make for an interesting day.

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