Thursday, December 11, 2008


Shopping? Really Tristan that is what you decide is your grand plan?
I couldn't believe what I had said out there. Shopping? I hate shopping. I didn't even realize what I was saying until it was too late. I had just met the girl yesterday, and besides, wasn't I trying to stay away from her. I got up from the couch then and started pacing. I really needed to get my head on straight, especially when I was with Kate, I was after all dangerous.
"Did I take too long?"
That soft and lovely voice filled the room and was music to my ears. Of course she hadn't taken too long, I would have waited for her for the rest of my life. Wait. What was I saying? Okay, come on now Tristan, get a grip.
But then I turned and looked at her.
There before me stood a girl who could wear the simplest of all clothes and make them look extravagent. All she was wearing were jeans and an old Ramones t-shirt. Her hair was worn down with the natural wave that seemed to be a part of her look and she wore little to no make-up. Not that she needed any anyways, with those stunning blue eyes, she was pratically a goddess.
Never, and I mean never, had I seen anyone more beautiful then the girl right infront of me, who was still waiting on an answer from me.
"Hmm? Oh no. Sorry if I seemed to put that off. I was just..."
"Thinking about last night?"
Not excatly that. But I wasn't about to tell Kate that.
"Um. Yeah, kinda."
She shook her head and then moved over and hugged me.
Literally, hugging was involved. Her arms were around my neck and mine were around her waiste. Right then is when I realized the truth I had been denying sence I first heard the voice in my head.
Kathren Lancer was indeed the love of my life.
She just didn't know it yet. And probably would never know my true feelings.
"So, should we be off?"
At least I had a good memory.
"Yes. Oh, and by the way Kate, you look stunning."
She blushed and then laughed a little.
"What's so funny?"
"I'm wearing my brother's old shirt and you think I look stunning?"
"Of course. I didn't know you had a brother."
"Yeah. It's a long story. One I don't really like to tell. Sorry."
"It's okay. I don't want to pry anyways."
I opened the car door for her and helped her in. The less information I knew about her, the better. I couldn't get attacted. I was already too deep in. But there wasn't something about the way she mentioned her brother. As if she was protective of him? Nevermind that she didn't want to tell me, I could find out on my own. But. It felt wrong. As if I was betraying Kate's trust. Guess that was one story I would leave alone.
"So, should we just head to the mall?"
"Um. Yeah, sure."
Kate seemed kind of distance now. Probably in deep thought. About Kelly, or her brother. What I'd do to have my mother's abilities right about now. Ugh. Prying. Note to self: try to stop thinking so much about Kathren Lancer.
The car stayed quiet so I turned on the radio. Music filled the empty silence and I turned my thoughts back to the road. I didn't even realize that Kate had gone searching through the radio to find a better station. Apparently she wasn't a fan of the classics. That was fine with me.
We finally reached the mall and I found a parking spot that was close to the front and near three exits just in case. We both got out of the car and I realized she hadn't waited for me to open her door. Well at least that made her some what independent and kept our relationship on a more friendly level. We walked into the mall and I watched as she looked around, probably trying to find someone. That's when the strangest thought came to my mind.
Did Kate have a boyfriend?
I could feel my hands warm up as the jealousy took over my emotions. Calm down, Tristan. Everything is fine. If she has one, then you won't have to worry about her feelings and just have to keep yours in check. Make conversation. Yes, that would calm me down more. Hearing her soft sweet voice.
"Looking for something? Or someone?"
She took in a deep breath and then spoke, "I keep feeling like this is all a horrible dream and that I'm going to wake up and Kelly here, with me," her voice had started to break and I realized tears were forming in her eyes.
"Hey, Kate, don't worry. It's okay. We're going to make it through this. Here, why don't we just go eat somewhere instead of shop."
She nodded and then grabbed my hand. I was holding her hand? Now I really needed to get my emotions in check, or else Kate would find out something was up, or I would end up burning her hand.
"Here, I know a nice chinesse food place in here."
I let her take me to the restaruant she had chosen. We ordered some food and then sat down to eat.

I still couldn't believe any of this was happening. I was out with Jason, eating chinesse food, at the mall, as if it was just another day.
I really needed some sort of recording device to document all this. So far we had just order some food, which he had paid for, and had been sitting there talking. About everything and anything that came to mind. Jason seemed really intelligent and so cute. Wait? What was I saying?
Did I really think that Jason was cute?
Well I had already thought he was cute before, but that was when he was just an innocent by stander, a stranger. Now, it just seemed like I had known him his whole life. He told me that he was adopted by the Carter's, his mother had passed away and his father hadn't been heard from since. The Carter's had been old family friends and took him under their wing after his mother passed. Maybe Jason would know what it was like then, losing a best friend. Twice.
I wanted to talk to him about it but then he looked down at his watch and seemed upset.
"What? Is something wrong?"
"Well," he started to say, "I should probably get you home. And the mall closes in five minutes."
"Wow, yeah, I guess I should probably get home."
I started to move around to get my purse and stand up when Jason stopped me.
"Kate," he reached out and touched my hand that was still on the table, "If you need anything, please, let me know."
I had known the guy for about less than 48 hours and he was offering me anything I needed. Well...
"Um. How long will your parent's be out of town?"
"About a week, maybe more, why?"
"I wouldn't mind having someone else in the house at night. Maria sleeps out in the guest house, and its just so empty in that big house, by myself. We have a spare room you could sleep in."
"You're asking me to stay with you till your parents return?"
"Please? I know we hardly know each other, but, it would help. You don't have to do it. I mean it's probably werid for you."
Who was I kidding? The guy was just having a pity party on me.
I looked down at my hand that was still holding his and back up to his face. He seemed to be calculating or debating with himself. Finally he answered.
"Okay. I'll stay."
"You will? Oh thank you Jason!"
I got up from the table and hugged him. But then I realized something. Jason and I would be living under one roof for about a week? Maybe more? What had gotten into me?

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

i LOOOOVED this chapter. you're remarkable.