Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Four. [full]

My biggest pet peeve. Or really the thing that just really makes me mad.
When you go to a party with your best friend, and she ditches you.
Okay, so yes, I already knew that Kelly was prone to do that to me. Alot. But still, it just gets to me. I don't know what it is. Guess growing up and being taught to be polite and sweet really messes with you when people act otherwise. So here is how it all went down.
After I got back from my akward encounter with Jason Carter, the dreamy boy next door, the rest of the afternoon went as planned. We swam, we chilled, we got ready, we left. Notice the 'WE'. But, no at the party is where we were again Kate and Kelly. So I went in search for something to drink while Kelly said she was going to be over by the DJ requesting a song. The drinks don't take long and I'm back in the living room where the furinture was moved away so people could dance, but there is no Kelly in sight. And I haven't seen her since. So much for sticking with each other. Anyways, now I'm stuck by the punch bowl, standing against the wall, as if all this is some stupid highschool dance and I was the loser who showed up without a date. Grand, isn't it?
Realizing how lame I probably looked I decided to mingle. Besides, Kelly wasn't my only friend. I mean, there were all my girls on the cheerleading team and the soccer team. I could catch up with the student council members. Maybe even say hey to a few of my friends from French Club. Leaving the living room I found myself in a quiter room where people were all just talking. No one I knew in there.
I tried the kitchen and dinning room and there was apparently a keg brought in for the party. Great. I was going to have to leave soon if people were going to start drinking. Outside by the pool was my next stop.
There were tons of people at this party. I had never realized it either. Outside there was another dance floor and DJ off in the corner and then just a bunch of random people standing around, hanging out. I spotted Jeff, a guy I had known since 6th grade and was my best friend. Well, guy wise. He was standing off to the side by a fence and looked as if he was thinking about something. As I made my aproach his eyes turned toward me and widen a little. But at this same moment I felt a hand slightly touch my shoulder. The grip became frim as I tired to brush it off. And then I was grabbed. Mom did always say to stay away from shadows. So much for actually using that advice now.
Back to the person who grabbed me.
It was clearly a guy, even though I wasn't completely sure of it. I was about 99.9% sure at the time. The person wasn't that big, but bigger than me. His grib on my was firm and getting a little too warm for comfort. Feeling a little scared now I gathered some air in my lungs to scream for help but my kidnapper must of noticed because a hand flew over my mouth.
Now, mind you this really was only a second long. Maybe two. So I wasn't letting myself be dragged off then thought I should scream. Just so you guys know. I'm not completely retarded.
Then a voice I recongized barely spoke in my ear.
"Kate, we need to get you out of here now."
The voice was gentle and very beautiful. Could it be? How would he know? There was no way on this green earth it would be Jason Carter whispering in my ear.
Panic flew through me. Was this guy stocking me now or something? How? Why? All these questions started forming in my head and would be unleashed the moment he removed his hand. Speaking of his hands, that were at the moment covering my mouth while the other had my held around the waist, while he moved around the back wall of the outside towards a gate, his hands were still warm. And getting warmer by the minute.
Once we finally reached the gate, he kicked the door opened and kept pulling me along with him towards a cheery red 300Z waiting for us on the sidewalk. What about my car? And Kelly? Reaching the car he finally let me go. Now was my time to speak.
"What on-"
"Please, Kate, if you are smart, then you will just get in the car now and let me take you home. I'll get your car back to you once you are safe and see what I can do about Kelly."
With that said, I had no choice. I could be rude and say no, but since I wasn't really like that, I just gave up and got in the car. He drove me home in silence and I let myself out of the car once he was infront of my house. As I was pushing open the door a hand touched mine. Even though I knew who it was, it still shocked me. I turned and looked back at Jason's face. He seemed concerned, and there was something else I saw on his face.
Jason Carter would return my friend safe and sound to me.
I just knew it.

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