Thursday, November 6, 2008


Don't you hate it when the teacher stands in front of the class and talks about things that don't even relate to the class? Well that pretty much sums up my teacher.
Mr. James W. Caldwell.
He is suppose to be our biology teacher but he tends to stray away from that topic. He's been doing this all year. Preferring to talk about money and the stocks instead of bugs and plants. It's whatever to me though. As long as he doesn't test us on any of it. But good ole Mr. Caldwell is also one of those teachers who likes to teach until the bell actually rings, freaking everyone out, and making Billy Harris scream every day, seven times a day. You would think that after three years the guy would be use to it by now. But now I'm sure that when the bell rings in five minutes indicating that school is officially out for the summer, he will scream. Whether in excitement or just because its normal, who knows?
That's right, summer is beginning in about four minutes now. I can not wait. See my best friend, Kelly, and I have the whole summer planned. Movie trips, mall time, tanning, swimming in my pool, and of course Kelly is looking for some summer love. When and if she finds it, I'll let you know.
Kelly has been my best friend for years now. We met back in 2nd grade, Mrs. Heltonson's class. Kelly told me that my name was too long and she would have to just call me Kate for the rest of my life. I was down with that. And since then we had always been best friends. Helping each other when our time came. Being there for each other through the heart breaks and make up. And just being there, so you know you always have someone to trust.
Well the bell is now suppose to ring in about thirty seconds so I better cover my ears before the screaming begins.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
"Thank you, Mr. Harris. Alright class, you may leave now, and enjoy your summer vacation."
Mr. Caldwell has a way of always being very formal about everything. Oh well. I'm free. Finally free. And this summer is going to be the best summer yet.

[so. first chapter. is was also kind of like a prequel to the book. kind of like an opener i guess. anyways. enjoy && i'll see you tomorrow for chapter two!]

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